Let's try to reprogram machines, not people


There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about the issue of seasonal changes in time. Keywords such as summer and winter time, when does time shift, when does time change, who introduced summer and winter time, what time is natural, wasting daylight, biological clock, disruption of the organism's balance, when will the seasonal change of time be abolished, keep daylight saving time or winter time and others like that.

With the seasonal time change of one hour, everyone has to reprogram their internal biological clocks, which disturbs the balance of the organism.

The cause of the problem is a more than a hundred-year-old process of changing time between summer and winter time and back, which does not use current technology. Do our chronometers need to be reprogrammed during the transition period. The sun will then rise at approximately the same time during the transition period. However, this must be decided by the political representation in the EU Parliament. The following article deals with this topic. ARTICLE

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Zkusme přeprogramovat stroje, ne lidi